Sunday, July 7, 2013

Fete du Rillauds, Brissac-Quince

This weekend is the Festival of Rillauds here in Brissac-Quince. The Rillaud is a local delicacy, otherwise known as a pork belly.

Cynthia made a potato, goat cheese, and egg torte.  The eggs were from our own chickens!  The recipe came from a cookbook which Cynthia bought in the Chateau Brissac gift shop. 

The festivities started with a dance and fireworks Saturday night. The dancing started off slowly, so we bought a couple of glasses of wine, 1 Euro each, cheaper than a soda here! The fireworks started at 11 PM, because the sun sets very late. The show was pretty impressive, given that it was a small town.

The dancing picked up after the fireworks. Everybody but us knew the words to some of the songs. We got out there and danced. We left at midnight, but the party went on.

Sunday we went into town for the giant yard sale, in French an “Empty the attic sale”. There were of course also Rillauds to eat; we had a sandwich. It was tasty, but pretty fatty food, and probably would be illegal in Boulder. (A small joke).

Rillauds - Pork Bellies

Banda du Rillauds

We walked up and down many streets, lined with vendors.  It looked like any yard sale in the USA, except that the books were in French.  Cynthia bought a toy fire truck as a gift, and also a tablecloth.  A few people were in local costume.

When we got back to our house, we watched the end of stage 9 of the Tour de France. We plan to be a spectator on Thursday, maybe we will be on TV!

Tomorrow we will be on the road to Pont-Aven, a town made famous by Gauguin and other artists.


  1. Richard and Cynthia-
    glad to see you are having a great time! I caught up with you today and wish I were with you. Richard, does Boulder allow you to keep chickens? Ho, ho. All well here. No rain forever and we are now officially in drought. The vegie garden is going well, especially the yellow squash and zucchini. What did you buy for me? I do expect a present, you know...

    I would have loved to have seen the ancient dolmen. Do you all watch TV, listen to the radio? If so, what is it like?

    How are the sewer systems? Do you buy fresh food everyday? (except eggs and cherries, of course!)

    Much love,

  2. We have not been watching a lot of TV, except for the Tour de France, and less radio. There are lots of police dramas on TV, as well as news and reality TV shows.

    I don't think that Boulder allows chickens. ;-)

    Sewer and water systems seem to be the same as the USA. The only anomaly is that there are no water spigots on the outside of the house, so hard to water plants.

    We shop every few days, mostly at the hypermarket. The house has two refrigerators and two freezers, although the upstairs refrigerator is small.

